Homelessness is a growing and visible issue in Prince Albert that affects everyone in the community. While we have been working hard to help those in need, the demand for particular services has risen beyond what we can accommodate. Together with the Government of Saskatchewan, we are looking for a brand new home for our Stepping Stones Shelter to meet the needs of the vulnerable individuals living on the street. To make the dream of an enhanced shelter a reality, we need your help to find an appropriate facility to renovate or a lot large enough for a purpose-built shelter that works for our city and the individuals we serve.
We have included some crucial information here that we think you need to know, and are looking for your comments, questions, concerns, and ideas to make the shelter possible! We hope that the details we have included below, as well as the ability to contact us directly will help to combat NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard), and change it to YIMBY (Yes In My Back Yard). Safety, cleanliness, and crime are valid concerns that we hope to address so that everyone in the community is happy and healthy.
Between March 24 and March 25, 2022, trained staff from the homeless-serving sector, alongside service agencies and community partners, participated in the Prince Albert Point-in-Time Count. The 2022 Point-in-Time counted at least 120 individuals who were experiencing homelessness. Staff surveyed 120 individuals regarding their demographics, historical information, length of time homeless, and their needs. Since the PIT count was conducted, most people involved in the homeless-serving sector agree that the number of people meeting the criteria for homelessness has grown substantially.
Our current forty-five-bed temporary shelter, Stepping Stones, is not adequate to provide the necessary services. The layout and space are not sufficient to meet the needs of the clients.
Original Cold Weather Shelter at Our House.
Just like the clientele we serve, Stepping Stones needs a permanent home. Started in the basement of Our House in 2013 with fifteen cots, and moved to its current location underneath the grandstand in 2020, we are woefully underhoused. The current location can hold a maximum of forty-five people and has very little additional space. At a minimum we need:
• An open areas for cots that can be separated into men’s and women’s areas.
• Men’s/Women’s washrooms and showers.
• Commercial Kitchen.
• Space for a client lounge, counselling, storage, offices, life skills training, community partner services.
• Walking distance to other community services.
At Stepping Stones, we provide individuals with the necessities of life including food, shelter, clothing, and hygiene. This helps ensure that individuals maintain their health and well-being which reduces the risk of illness and injury.
But an enhanced shelter does not just provide a bed. Connecting with clients in the shelter, clients have support in working on root causes including lack of affordable housing, mental health concerns, poverty, addictions, and trauma. This helps lead to long-term solutions.
Stepping Stones becomes the first touchpoint for many homeless individuals seeking assistance. Once a connection is established, clients are provided with and referred to services that can assist them on the road to permanent housing.
Stepping Stones Shelter.
Benefits to the surrounding area of an enhanced shelter:
Enhanced Safety: Twenty-four-hour security patrolling surrounding properties.
Control of Litter and Waste: Staff engage clients in regular clean-up of the surrounding area as a part of life skills programing.
Access to Showers and Washrooms: Twenty-four hour access to showers and washrooms takes pressure off surrounding business to provide these.
Reducing Crime: Providing a safe, supportive environment reduces the need to engage in criminal activity.
Reducing Health Care Costs: Providing housing and support to individuals experiencing homelessness can significantly reduce health care costs. Stable housing improves health outcomes and reduces the reliance on emergency room visits and other costly medical interventions.
Reducing Police, Fire, and EMS Response: Emergency calls are reduced significantly when individuals have stable shelter and supports. This frees up police, fire, and ambulance to attend to other emergencies in the community.
Our homeless population is the most vulnerable group in our society–not only susceptible to environmental conditions, but also the most victimized by crime.
We know that there are a ton of reasons to not want a homeless shelter near us in the community. Every day our staff work to ensure we are a good neighbour, and help the clients learn to do the same. Homelessness is a complex issue that requires co-operation of government, service organizations, and the community. Without your support we cannot make our dream of reducing homelessness and crime, and empowering people to find safety and stability a reality. We need a new shelter in Prince Albert, and hope that you will join us in saying YES IN MY BACK YARD.
You probably have comments, questions, concerns, or ideas, and we would love to hear from you! You can fill out our form below or send us an email directly at yimby@ywcaprincealbert.ca. Your feedback is received directly by our Chief Executive Officer.