YWCA Settlement Services provides services to newly-landed immigrants and refugees arriving in Prince Albert. Individuals and families are provided with short-term and long-term assistance based on their needs. Support starts at arrival and can extend up to five years, which ensures that the transition to Canadian life is as comfortable as possible.
Our settlement counsellors work with people from every corner of the globe and have experience working with a variety of cultures and nationalities; several of our settlement counsellors also speak some of the languages of our newcomers! Settlement Services aims to best serve our clients’ needs by fostering independence and assisting newcomers to participate in their new community.
Settlement Services also delivers the Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) program, which helps newcomer students and their families to settle in their school and community. SWIS services are provided in all Prince Albert School Divisions. The program is a partnership between YWCA Prince Albert, Conseil des Ecoles Fransaskoises (CEF), Prince Albert Roman Catholic Separate School Divison (PARCSSD), Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division (SRPSD) and the department of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Services Provided by the Resettlement Assistance Program & Settlement
Access to interpreters and translators
Face-to-face para-counselling services
Orientation to Canadian culture
Financial information
Links to education and training
Referrals for medical needs
Public transit orientation
Links to employment
Assistance with accessing affordable housing
Computer and internet access
English as a subsequent language classes
For more information, email the Settlement Services Manager, Carolyn Hobden at carolynhobden@ywcaprincealbert.ca or call 306-953-6440.
Funded by:
Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) Sign-up
Are You a Newcomer and Have School-Age Children? Sign Up for SWIS Support Below
Our Location
65 11th Street East
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
S6V 0Z8
Telephone: 306-763-0736
Fax: 306-763-0735