In 2018, YWCA Prince Albert opened its doors to a transitional program for youth aging out of the Child Welfare System. Oakdale was developed in partnership with Community Living Service Delivery to bridge a gap in services between youth aging out of care and independence. Our goal was to help young adults make a smooth transition out of group living and private homes, towards a supported individual living placement.
In 2020, we assumed thirty-seven apartment suites. Four of these complexes are designated lounges and staff offices, while the other thirty-three are dual and single apartments for residents. The expansion of the program allowed us to support more individuals nearing the next chapter of their lives; whether it be transitioning to lower supports from our Homeward Bound building, those working towards complete independence, or young adults needing additional supports in their lives.
At the heart of the program, Oakdale helps individuals reach their goals and helps foster day-to-day life skills through our day program and staff supports. We have created a community founded on the pillars of inclusion and belonging and growth and development. Our day program focuses on each individual’s unique and diverse needs: vocational/educational, healthy relationships, community involvement or life skills.
For inquiries about referrals, please email cscoakdale@ywcaprincealbert.ca.
For general information about Homeward Bound Oakdale, please email hwbadmin@ywcaprincealbert.ca or call 306-703-0123.
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Please direct correspondence to:
1895 Central Avenue
Prince Albert, SK
S6V 4W8
Telephone: 306-703-0123*
Fax: 306-970-8596
*Please follow the prompts in the automated system to reach the party you wish to contact.