Into Action
YWCA Canada, represented by Jamie Medicine Crane and Ann Decter, submitted an Expression of Reconciliation at the TRC’s sixth National event held in Vancouver, British Columbia on 20 September 2013. Here the organization declared its commitment to reconciliation. As part of that pledge, YWCA Canada decided to actively undertake a process of reconciliation that included pursuing the work necessary to understand the organization’s past and present relationships with Indigenous peoples and communities. Towards these ends and in the spirit of better understanding its history, in 2019 YWCA Canada issued an open call for researchers.
Dr. Kristin Burnett and Dr. Shannon Stettner responded to the call and undertook a scan of available institutional records regarding the YWCA Canada in order to excavate the role(s) played by the organization in residential schools and Indian hospitals across the geographic area now known as Canada.
Once the report is ready for distribution, it will be made available from YWCA Canada and YWCAs across the country.
Our Commitment
YWCA Prince Albert is committed to moving forward along the path of Reconciliation in partnership with Indigenous Peoples in meaningful ways. As an organization founded under colonial times, we recognize our responsibility to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit communities, and we are accountable for putting in place the framework for understanding our shared history, and fully participating in the healing process.
We will be led by the following:
Truth and Reconciliation’s 10 Principles of Reconciliation and the 94 Calls to Action
Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls 231 Calls for Justice
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
YWCA Canada commitment to reconciliation as declared 20 September, 2013
We are committed to continuing open and honest dialogue with Indigenous Communities to enhance the health, harmony and peace of all beings.
Our Initiatives
At an organization level:
Created the Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) Committee ($5,000 annual budget)
Developed relationships and partnerships with PAGC and Métis Nation Saskatchewan
All staff are encouraged to take the Indigenous Canada online course from UofA
Board of Directors has a Truth and Reconciliation Committee
Truth and Reconciliation staff survey
Truth and Reconciliation strategy is a standing item on the Board of Directors’ agenda
Connected with PAGC and Elders about raising a Treaty 6 Flag at our Central Avenue building
Currently working to have the Métis flag raised at our Central Avenue building
When flags are raised a ceremony will follow
Staff are sent an email each week with one of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee of Canada’s Calls to Action, plus questions about each call
Some staff attend Indigenous-based trauma-informed workshops to enhance staff abilities
Hosting program-level events for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Our House addictions program operates on the teachings of the medicine wheel
Client activities (including newcomers):
Medicine picking
Meat smoking
Powwows in and around Prince Albert
Teepee building and teachings
Sweat ceremonies
Round dances
Feasts & traditional cooking
Cultural teachings & stories from Elders
Beading & ribbon skirt making
Hand drum making, sash making, and painting with Leah Dorion
Educational trips to Batoche, Wanuskewin, and Duck Lake museum
Hosting sharing circles
One-on-one sessions with Elders
Smudges available at many programs
Participating in events for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Education about Indigenous history and culture
Education about the impact of residential schools
Annual Métis Kitchen Party
Important Resources
Indian Residential School Crisis Line
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
MMIWG2S - Calls for Justice
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
YWCA Canada Commitment to Reconciliation
Where Are All My Relations? - Video Series
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation