Our Program
Stepping Stones Shelter offers shelter and services for individuals who are unhoused. Shelter beds are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, and the program runs twenty-four hours per day.
Services and Amenities:
Breakfast, lunch, and supper
Laundry services
Showers are available and toiletries can be provided
A cot to sleep on, blanket and pillow included
Addictions Counsellor
Income Support Services
Cultural and recreational programming
Assistance with housing
Assistance with appointments
Usage Requirements:
Individuals using the shelter must store personal items in the provided bins upon entry into the shelter.
Abuse, violence, and harassment of staff and others using the shelter will not be tolerated.
The consumption of cigarettes, vapes, alcohol and illicit substances is strictly prohibited.
Respect of the shelter facility, staff, and others is required to access services at Stepping Stones Shelter.
For more information about Stepping Stones Shelter, please contact the manager, Nicole Marud at nicolemarud@ywcaprincealbert.ca or call 306-930-7723.
Our Location
950 Exhibition Drive
Prince Albert, SK
S6V 2J7
Telephone: 306-930-7723