Phoenix Place is a supportive home for youth that have aged out of care, but still require assistance to fully transition into adulthood. Having a transitional period means that youth have a higher success rate when navigating the challenges of independence. During their stay, youth are given freedom to make choices and direct their life, however they still have access to staff when they need advice and support.
At Phoenix Place, youth have their own bedroom, but share common areas. The facilities at Phoenix place include kitchens, laundry facilities, bathrooms, living and recreation areas, and a backyard gazebo and firepit. Shared living gives youth the opportunity to develop community with other youth and learn how to live with a roommate in a real-world scenario.
Youth are expected to do their own laundry, clean their own dishes, and buy their own groceries. Staff provide workshops on surviving adult life, with topics such as cooking, using transit, paying bills, and more.
For more information, email the Central Avenue & Youth Homes Manager, Wendy Sundbo at wendysundbo@ywcaprincealbert.ca or call 306-763-8571.
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Our Location
632 28th Street East
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
S6V 1X9
Telephone: 306-765-2531