Homeward Bound Windsor focuses on moving people who are chronically and episodically homeless as rapidly as possible from the street or emergency shelters into permanent housing with supports that vary according to participant needs. The supports are provided by a case management team and/or a case manager that serves as a main point of contact for the participant from assessment to follow-up. The focus is primarily on the chronically and episodically homeless.
Chronically homeless refers to individuals, often with disabling conditions (e.g. chronic physical or mental illness, substance abuse problems), who are currently homeless and have been homeless for six months or more in the past year (i.e. have spent more than 180 nights in a shelter or place not fit for human habitation). To the extent possible, we prioritize those chronic homeless who have been homeless the longest.
Episodically homeless refers to individuals, often with disabling conditions, who are currently homeless and have experienced three or more episodes of homelessness in the past year (of note, episodes are defined as periods when a person would be in a shelter or place not fit for human habitation for a certain period, and after at least 30 days, would be back in the shelter or place).
Homeward Bound seeks to end homelessness by providing timely access to permanent housing in our community. A care plan is then prepared by the participant in collaboration with Homeward Bound. The participant forms a working alliance with Homeward Bound and identifies unique treatment/outcome goals. Homeward Bound helps participants to access community health services for acute and chronic health issues. Participants are then offered assistance in pursuing these goals. These goals might include vocational training and support in establishing and re-establishing social, familial, and spiritual connections. These interventions are intended to produce housing stability, participation in treatment services, and decreases in emergency service utilization. These interventions are intended to promote community integration.
· Individual needs assessment
· Connecting and supporting participants in permanent housing
· Intensive outreach services to participants including home visits and crisis intervention
· Independent living skills development aimed at promoting community integration and improving quality of life
· Building and maintaining relationships with landlords including mediating during times of conflict
· Participant advocacy
· Set-up of initial home (furniture, household supplies, groceries etc.)
· Connection of participants to other community services
· Assistance with government applications and forms
For inquiries about referrals, please email cscwindsor@ywcaprincealbert.ca.
For general information about Homeward Bound Windsor, please email hwbadmin@ywcaprincealbert.ca or call 306-703-0123.
Funded by:
Please direct correspondence to:
1895 Central Avenue
Prince Albert, SK
S6V 4W8
Telephone: 306-703-0123*
Fax: 306-970-8596
*Please follow the prompts in the automated system to reach the party you wish to contact.