Our House Supportive Recovery Centre is an adult crisis shelter for women, and a recovery centre for those struggling with mental illness or addictions. Programming is designed to directly address client challenges while fostering a sense of community and belonging. Our staff are available twenty-four hours a day to ensure clients are secure and well-supported.
The Our House Women in Crisis Program (WIC) has operated for several years. By bringing two more programs under the same roof we are able to enhance services to the women in this program through shared staff and resources.
We are able to house up to twelve women in shared accommodations in a sober living environment. Healthy meals, dedicated staff, and programming are designed to address issues like trauma surrounding domestic abuse, addictions, historic injustices and loss, and life skills and community. Professional counselling and twenty-four-hour support staff are available on-site.
The Our House Pre and Post Treatment Program (PPT Program), new in 2022, has a total of eight spaces for individuals seeking a safe place to live while waiting to get into an in-patient treatment facility or for individuals who need a safe place to enhance their recovery after they complete in-patient treatment. Operating in a peer-supported community, intense mandatory programming is led by qualified addiction and mental health workers and support staff, which gives those who choose lifestyle changes a high chance of success.
Structure, routine, personal responsibility, and community, while focusing on total body, mind and spirit recovery are the guiding principles of this program. Our treatment program seeks to help clients develop the ability to commit and the resolve to take responsibility for meeting commitments. It is through participation in programming that clients develop a shared sense of belonging. For an individual who has struggled alone with addiction, identifying with an organization dedicated to sobriety provides a true sense of belonging and a positive identity.
Our House Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Program Referral Process
Referrals may come from detoxification centres, health professionals, a family member, family assistance programs, employers, or the individual themselves. In the end it must be the decision of the applicant that they truly want to be in the program and are totally committed to recovery.
Admittance Requirements
Applicants for the program must complete and submit the YWCA Our House Supportive Recovery Centre Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Referral and Intake Assessment Form found on the YWCA Prince Albert website. After receipt of the form the applicant will be contacted to make an appointment for an interview which will be done either in-person or by phone depending on circumstances. The interview will be conducted by a qualified counsellor and staff member to determine an applicant’s suitability for the program. If accepted, admission forms will be completed at this time and the client will be assigned the next available bed.
Wait times may vary depending on several factors. Applicants may be added to a wait list if appropriate.
Admission Considerations – Pre-Treatment
Pre-addiction treatment residential support beds are living arrangements in residences designed for clients who have completed detoxification, applied to and have been accepted by a residential addiction treatment program, and are waiting to get into the treatment program. These individuals need support while stabilizing and preparing for a more independent accommodation.
• Clients must be eighteen years of age
• Clients must be ambulatory as the lodging and programming facilities require individuals be capable of using stairs unaided
• Clients must be free of alcohol and drugs for a period of no less than seven days prior to their interview. We are not equipped as a medical detox facility.
• Clients who are on prescribed medications, including methadone/suboxone may be admitted into the program. These clients must agree to having their medications administered by qualified staff as prescribed.
• Clients must commit to follow all program residential guidelines and commit to participate in all programming.
• Clients must be free of any pending court dates.
• Clients must not have any psychological barriers which would hinder their ability to comprehend and follow program guidelines and programming objectives.
The primary objective of this program is helping clients in obtaining and maintaining a substance-free healthy lifestyle while they await admittance into a residential treatment program. Conditions are put in place to help individuals succeed on their journey. Potential clients must demonstrate a commitment to change.
Admission Considerations – Post-Treatment
Post-addiction treatment residential support beds are for Clients who have completed a residential treatment program and whose recovery requires a supportive living environment to allow for consolidation of recovery living outside a treatment centre.
• Clients must be eighteen years of age
• Clients must be ambulatory as the lodging and programming facilities require individuals be capable of using stairs unaided
• Clients must have completed a minimum of a twenty-eight-day residential treatment program from a recognized facility.
• Clients who are on prescribed medications, including methadone/suboxone may be admitted into the program. These clients must agree to having their medications administered by qualified staff as prescribed.
• Clients must commit to follow all program residential guidelines and commit to participate in all programming.
• Clients must be free of any pending court dates.
• Clients must not have any psychological barriers which would hinder their ability to comprehend and follow program guidelines and programming objectives.
The primary objective of this program is helping clients in obtaining and maintaining a substance free healthy lifestyle after the successful completion of a recognized residential treatment program. Conditions are put in place to help individuals succeed on their journey. Potential clients must demonstrate a commitment to change and expect to transition from the program in 90 to 180 days.
The Our House Intensive Program (OHIP) is a new program which provides twenty-four-hour staff support on site in a single-room-style residence for up to six individuals living with mental health disorders. The goal of the program is to be a transition step to less-intensive services that exist in the community. The program is geared for those individuals who are in an inpatient facility and are ready to transition into the community but still require a high level of support. The program may also be used as an alternative to hospitalization for individuals living in the community who are struggling with maintaining their psychiatric stability.
Professional, designated staff provide a high level of support including administering PRN medication and de-escalation techniques. The program does not provide any type of restraints. The nursing staff are an integral part of the program.
Meals, housekeeping, trusteeship, and laundry will be provided to those who require these types of services. Prompting, teaching, and supervision of personal care is also provided. The emphasis of the program is on building skills and resources so individuals can live as independently as possible in the community.
For more information, email the Our House Supportive Recovery Centre Manager, Tonya Kleinert at tonyakleinert@ywcaprincealbert.ca or call 306-922-6162.
For further information about the Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Program, or to apply by email, send to ohsrc@ywcaprincealbert.ca.
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Our Location
94-15th Street East
Prince Albert, SK
S6V 1E8
Phone: 306-922-6162
Fax: 306-922-6196